Connecting With Your Inner Child Using Reiki IN-PERSON

Connecting with Your Inner Child (Instagram Story) (Instagram Post).jpg
Connecting with Your Inner Child (Instagram Story) (Instagram Post).jpg

Connecting With Your Inner Child Using Reiki IN-PERSON


No prior experience with Reiki required

The inner child….we’ve all got one. Sometimes they are happy. Sometimes sad. Sometimes angry. Sometimes afraid. And, always, always filled with wisdom. This world has taught us to silence that young part of ourselves. Silence them and move on. All in the name of efficiency and being an “adult”.

The thing is, it’s really not efficient. And it’s not adult. And the more we allow that inner piece of ourselves to speak and share their secrets, the more fully we are able to live our lives NOW. They deserve to be heard. They deserve to be honoured. We have that ability. To reparent pieces of ourselves….and this is absolutely NOT to say that our parents didn’t do an amazing job. Most of the time, they did the absolute best that they could. We all have inner children, our parents included, and it is time, friends, it is time to free those children and allow our souls to grow up.

In this workshop, we will use the Reiki Distance symbol to connect and dialogue with our inner children. The space we provide will be safe and the techniques that we use will be ones that we have been trained in and have used in our own lives.

Come, play with us.  

All participants will receive a PDF download of the materials covered in class. 

All classes offered by the Centre are trauma informed

Thursday, February 8th 7:00 - 9:30 pm PST

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