Distance Kundalini Reiki Session 60 min

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Kundalini Reiki.png

Distance Kundalini Reiki Session 60 min


Kundalini or “coiled snake” is a latent and feminine life force energy, located at the base of the spine.

When you are going through a time of life transformation, spiritual or not, the snakes might wake up and you might experience a lot of challenging experiences.

Sometimes you don’t even know why which makes it extra challenging. The snakes need to loose their skin… and let go of what is not needed, in order to take the next step.

Sometimes, all we need is a good cry or a big laugh with friends… and sometimes we want a loving boost to help us to open to a situation.

With Reiki, we can hold a space full of love, in order to feel safe enough to look at what is going on and let go of what is no longer useful.

Transformation is a beautiful process, let’s make it pleasant, as much as we can - and you can even have fun in the process ;)

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